I will work for ALL the people of Illinois, not the special interests.


  • Fair Tax to provide tax relief for the middle class;
    97% of people in Illinois will pay the same or lower taxes – all while making sure the wealthy start to pay their fair share.See what your taxes would be under the Fair Tax.
    Go to:
    Fair Tax Calculator
  • School Funding Reform to provide tax relief to homeowners;
  • Public Bank for Illinois to provide:
    • State and Municipal Budget Savings
    • Savings on Infrastructure Finance
    • Student Debt Relief
    • Small Business Loans
    • Saving homes from foreclosure
  • Invest in our Children’s Future through Tuition Free Community College and Trade School;
  • “Fair Map” Redistricting to end the practice of gerrymandered districts;
  • Rank Choice Voting to eliminate having to vote for the lesser of two evils;
  • Reproductive Rights 
  • Immigrant Rights
Paid for by Peter Janko for Illinois
PO Box 21, Marengo, IL 60152
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